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ICUC12 – 12th International Conference on Urban Climate
The ICUC12 aims to bring together scientists, practitioners, lecturers and innovators from all over the globe to present, discuss and advance the scientific, societal, and educational forefronts in the field of urban climate in its broadest definition.
The conference will develop a series of oral and poster sessions to convey science messages, keynote lectures, but also an early career scientist event, and discussion platforms. The theme will be “Heritage as urban climate challenge”. We define Heritage in the broadest sense; not only historical and/or listed buildings and sites, but the totality of the existing built environment we inherit as a society. Furthermore, we also open the door to you as community working in the field of urban climate to actively shape the conference.
The conference will develop a series of oral and poster sessions to convey science messages, keynote lectures, but also an early career scientist event, and discussion platforms. The theme will be “Heritage as urban climate challenge”. We define Heritage in the broadest sense; not only historical and/or listed buildings and sites, but the totality of the existing built environment we inherit as a society. Furthermore, we also open the door to you as community working in the field of urban climate to actively shape the conference.