The IAUC currently oversees five awards: Luke Howard award, Tim Oke award, Japan prize, William P. Lowry memorial award, and the ICUC student presentation awards.
The Luke Howard Award
The Luke Howard Award for outstanding contributions to the field of urban climatology. It is given annually to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of urban climatology in a combination of research, teaching, and/or service to the international community of urban climatologists. The IAUC Awards committee will recommend to the IAUC Board the recipient of this award. The IAUC Awards committee can elect not to give an award in a given year. Please see Awards Policy for details.
Details for the 2024 Luke Howard Award nomination can be found here.
Luke Howard Award winners (click to expand/collapse):
- 2023 Dr. Jason Ching, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States.
- 2022 Prof. James Voogt, University of Western Ontario, Canada.
- 2021 Prof. Gerald Mills, University College Dublin, Ireland.
- 2020 Dr. Alberto Martilli, Center for Research in Energy, Environment, and Technology (CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain.
- 2019 Prof. Janet Barlow, University of Reading, UK.
- 2018 Prof. (Emeritus) Wilhelm Kuttler, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- 2016 Dr. Walter Dabberdt, Vaisala Group, United States.
- 2015 Prof. (Emeritus) Anthony Brazel, Arizona State University, United States.
- 2014 Prof. Manabu Kanda, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
- 2013 Prof. (Emeritus) Yair Goldreich, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
- 2010 Prof. (Emeritus) John Arnfield, Ohio State University, United States.
- 2009 Prof. Sue Grimmond, King’s College London, UK.
- 2008 Prof. Robert Bornstein, San Jose State University, United States.
- 2007 Prof. (Emeritus) Masatoshi Yoshino, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
- 2006 Prof. Arieh Bitan, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- 2005 Prof. Ernesto Jáuregui, National University of Mexico.
- 2004 Prof. Timothy R. Oke, University of British Columbia, Canada.
The Timothy Oke Award
The Timothy Oke Award for original research in the field of urban climatology. It is given annually to one or several individuals at an early to mid-career stage, when they achieve individual visibility and impact, develop and broaden the scope of their research topics and demonstrate leadership. The award is named in honor of Professor Timothy Oke, as recognition of his outstanding research career, his support for young urban climatologists and his unprecedented contributions to both urban climatology and the establishment of the IAUC. For the recipients, this award provides a prestigious endorsement of their research trajectory. The IAUC Awards committee will recommend annually to the IAUC Board recipients of the Timothy Oke Award. The IAUC Awards committee can elect not to give an award in a given year. Please see Awards Policy for details.
Details for the 2024 Timothy Oke Award nomination can be found here.
Timothy Oke Award winners (click to expand/collapse):
- 2023 Prof. Zhihua Wang, Arizone State University, USA
- 2023 Dr. Negin Nazarian, University of New South Wales, Australia
- 2023 Assistant Prof. Ariane Middel, Arizone State University, USA
- 2023 Assistant Prof. Lei Zhao, University of Illinois – Urbana Campaign, USA
- 2022 Associate Prof. Dan Li, Boston University, USA.
- 2021 Prof. Benjamin Bechtel, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
- 2021 Prof. Leena Järvi, University of Helsinki, Finland
- 2021 Dr. Iain D. Stewart,Global Cities Institute, University of Toronto, Canada.
- 2020 Prof. Scott Krayenhoff, University of Guelph, Canada
- 2020 Prof. Chao Ren, Faculty of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong
The Japan Prize
The Japan Prize honors researchers from developing countries who are judged to have given the best papers at an ICUC conference. The awards are made possible by Professor Y. Nakamura and seven of his colleagues from Japan. Please see Awards Policy for details.
Japan Prize winners (click to expand/collapse):
- ICUC10 (2018): Surabhi Mehrotra (Indian University of Technology, Mumbai, India), Ankur Prabhat Sati (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India), Karoline Meneguzzi Tonani (Ifes, Vitoria, Brazil)
- ICUC9 (2015): Patricia Drach (UFRJ, Brazil), Chaaruchandra Korde (Green Bam Solutions, New Delhi & Airef Engg. Pvt Ltd., India), Shweta Bhati (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
- ICUC7 (2009): Qinglin Meng & Lei Zhang (South China University of Technology), Nuri Serteser (Technical University of Istanbul, Turkey), Alessandra R. Prata Shimomura (University of Sao Paulo)
- ICUC6 (2006): Abel Tablada de la Torre (Historian Office of Havana), Rohinton Emmanuel (University of Moratuwa), Shiguang Miao (China Meteorological Administration, China)
The William P. Lowry Memorial Award
The William P. Lowry Memorial Award is offered by the IAUC Awards Committee and the sons of the late Prof. William P. Lowry, in order to honor Prof. Lowry’s lifetime contributions to the fields of urban climatology and bioclimatology, and to encourage, celebrate, and modestly support outstanding and pertinent work. The particular groups that are targeted (graduate students in urban bioclimatology, climate methodologists, and climatology graduate students from Africa) are considered foremost among those reflecting Prof. Lowry’s intellectual interests and personal loves. Three cash awards, including two prizes for presentations and one travel assistance award, are to be made in conjunction with ICUC meetings. Please see Awards Policy for details.
William P. Lowry Memorial Award winners (click to expand/collapse):
- ICUC10 (2018) – Graduate Student Prize: David L Miller (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Methodology Prize: Hongshan Guo (Princeton University, USA)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Student Travel Award: Modest Maurus Baruti (Ardhi University, Tanzania
- ICUC9 (2015) – Graduate Student Prize: Stephanie Jacobs (Monash University, Australia)
- ICUC9 (2015) – Methodology Prize: Brian Bailey (University of Utah, USA))
- ICUC9 (2015) – Student Travel Award: Jesús Gómez Velázquez (Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, Mexico)
- ICUC8 (2012): Ifeoluwa Adebowale Balogun (Federal University of Technology, Nigeria), Janina Konarska (University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Natalie E. (Theeuwes Wageningen University, Netherlands)
- ICUC7 (2009) – Graduate Student Prize: Sookuk Park (University of Victoria)
- ICUC7 (2009) – Methodology Prize: Iain D. Stewart (University of British Columbia)
- ICUC7 (2009) – Student Travel Award: Ifeoluwa Balogun (Federal University of Technology, Nigeria)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Graduate Student Prize: James Miller (Arizona State University, USA)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Methodology Prize: Iain D. Stewart (University of British Columbia)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Student Travel Award: Lilly Rose Amirtham (Sathyabama Deemed University, Chennai)
The ICUC Student Paper Awards
The ICUC Student Presentation Awards is offered to students presenting their work at a given ICUC meeting (oral and poster). Herefore, the IAUC Awards Committee Chair selects a sub-committee of five IAUC members, designating a chair, who will review these student (oral and poster) presentations. The committee will then select winners (e.g. first, second, and third place), whose names will be announced at the end of the meeting. All winners will receive a certificate describing their achievement. Please see Awards Policy for details.
ICUC Student Paper Award winners (click to expand/collapse):
- ICUC11 (2023) – Best IAUC/AMS student presentation awards: Joyce Yang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.), Melissa Poupelin (ThéMA Laboratory, France & University of Burgundy, France), Shuang Liu (South China University of Technology, China), Asahi Kawaura (Tokyo University of Science, Japan), Aveek Ghosh (Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India), Austine Stastny (Western University, Ontario, Canada), Arnaud Forster (CNRM, Toulouse, France), Pui Kwang Cheung (University of Melbourne, Australia), Wenhua Yu (Monash University, Australia), Taihan Chen (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Harro Jongen (Wageningen University, Netherlands), Vitor Lavor (University of Reading, UK), Hamesh Patel (The University of Auckland, New Zealand), Anie K Lal (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India), Bin Chen (Nanjing University, China), Joseph Karanja (Arizona State University, USA)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Best oral presentation awards: Oscar Brousse (KU Leuven, Belgium), Peter Crank (Arizona State University, USA), Daniel Fenner (TU Berlin, Germany), Mariana B. Alfonso Fragomeni (University of Georgia, USA), William Morrison (University of Reading, UK)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Honorable mention oral presentation: Rainer Hilland (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Saud Al Khaled (Arizona State University, USA), Beatriz Sanchez (CIEMAT, Spain), Vincenzo Sessa (University of Southampton,UK), Erin B. Wetherley (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Best poster presentation awards: Isabella Capel-Timms (University of Reading, UK), Doo-Il Lee (Kongju National University, Korea), Judith Lorenz (TU Dresden, Germany), Takashi Nishimoto (University of Tokyo, Japan), Andreas Wicki (University of Basel, Switzerland)
- ICUC10 (2018) – Honorable mention poster presentation: Pak Shing Yeung (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong), Michael Mau Fung Wong (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong), Harold Gamarro (City College of New York, USA), Jae-Hee Hahm (Kangwon National University, Korea), Edwin Alejandro Ramirez Aguilar (Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil)
- ICUC9 (2015) – Best oral presentation awards: Alex Bjorkegren (King’s College London UK), Marco Giometto (EPFL, Switzerland), Janina Konarska (University of Gothenburg, Swessden), Qi Li (Princeton University, USA), Michael Schmutz (Universität Basel, Switzerland), Natalie Theeuwes (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
- ICUC9 (2015) – Oral presentation awards: Veronica Bellucco (University of Sassari, Italy), Maxime Daniel (CNRMsGAME/MétéosFrance, France), Cho Kwong Charlie Lam (Monash University, Australia), Negin Nazarian (University of California San Diego, USA), Ayako Yagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan), Bin Zhou (Potsdam institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany)
- ICUC9 (2015) – Best poster presentation awards: Mikhail Varentsov (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia), Shang Wang (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Yuan Shi (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Shi-Qi Yang (Alberts-Ludwigss-University Freiburg, Germany), Michael Alonzo (University of California, USA), Tom Valterri Kokkonen (University of Helsinki, Finland), Julien Le Bras (Météo France, France)
- ICUC9 (2015) – Poster presentation awards: Shintaro Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan), Luis Enrique Ortiz (City College of New York, USA), Alexandre Philip (CNRMsGAME, France)
- ICUC8 (2012) – Best oral and poster presentation awards: Jonas Alegrini (Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland), Benjamin Bechtel (University of Hamburg, Germany), Cécile de Munck (Meteo France – CNRS, France), Gantuya Ganbat (Seoul National University, South Korea), Simone Kotthaus (Kings College London, UK), Scott Krayenhoff (University Of British Columbia, Canada), Kevin Lau (The Chinese University Of Hong Kong, China), Patrick Wagner (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Jaime Young (Tel Aviv University, Israel / MIT, US), Yuan Chao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China)
- ICUC7 (2009) – Best oral presentation awards: Marieta Cristina L. Castillo (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) , Thijs Defraeye (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- ICUC7 (2009) – Best poster presentation award: Sayuri Okubo (Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Best oral presentation award: Scott Krayenhoff (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Honorable mention oral presentation: Andrew Coutts (Monash University, Australia), Andres Soux (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Best student poster presentation award: Tomoko Hasegawa (Osaka City University, Japan)
- ICUC6 (2006) – Honorable mention poster presentation: Pravin Bhiwapurker (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
- ICUC5 (2003) – Oral & poster presentation award: Brian Offerle (Indiana University, USA)
- ICUC5 (2003) – Best oral presentation awards: David Pearlmutter (J. Blaustein Institute for Desert Research), Ian Harman (University of Reading, UK), Andreas Christen (University of Basel), Aude Lemonsu ( Météo-France, France), Grégoire Pigeon ( Météo-France, France), Scott Krayenhoff (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Mirela Robitu (Architectural School of Nantes, France)
- ICUC5 (2003) – Best poster presentation awards: Ben Crawford (Indiana University, USA), Nathalie Long (École Centrale de Nantes, France)