Dear Colleagues,

You are being invited to participate in a research study entitled “Urban meteorological networks in Europe – a review analysis”. This review study is being conducted by the COST Action project (CA20108) entitled “FAIR Network of micrometeorological measurements – FAIRNESS” (weblink: https://www.fairness-ca20108.eu/ ).

The purpose of this survey is to collect ‘urban meteorological networks’ across Europe in order to present through the ‘review article’ the inventory of the UMNs, their applications and future developments.

The link to questionnaire survey: https://app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/s/cardiff/unm-questionnaire-survey-duplicate-1

The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to participate in a confidential online survey on the JISC Online Survey Platform. In the last question you can put your name or email address, but it is optional and depends on your will, only.
The questionnaire contains 15 questions that can provide basic information about each UMNs in European cities. Based on your feedback, main authors and co-authors will further process that information about each UMN and work on review article chapters.
Please, near UMN that are developed by your institution or research group, add UMNs that you know that are existing (or worked in some period) in some other cities. It is not necessary to fill in survey for one UMN only, but you can put more UMNs in one survey (to spare your time). For instance, if you have three UMNs, then put all three names, one after the other, in Question 1, then put all three links, one after the other, in Question 2, etc.

Benefits of participation:
Your knowledge as a scientific expert or stakeholder will be helpful to prepare the comprehensive list of UMNs across Europe and to reach final version of the planned ‘review article’. The direct benefit for you as a contributor to this survey is:
–    Your name or institution will be mentioned in the Acknowledgement section as a contributor for this review research (only in case if you put your name and email in Question 15, otherwise we will be considered that you want to stay completely anonymous);
–    The final version of this research will be available for you and freely downloadable (open-access mode); you will get direct link in case that we know your email address.

Potential risk of participation:
We believe that there are no known risks associated with this online survey. All data collected in this survey will be anonymous. Information will be presented in ‘review paper’ and published in one scientific journal, and you will not be identified in publication (except in Acknowledgement section, if you input your name and email address in Question 15).

Other information:
Any participation in this study is completely voluntary. If you have questions about this ‘UMNs review paper’ project, you may contact dr Stevan Savic, email: stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs , from University of Novi Sad. If you have any technical issue with the online questionnaire, you may contact dr Tania Sharmin, email: SharminT@cardiff.ac.uk , from Cardiff University.

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