The call for authors in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities

Dear IAUC community, please consider to apply for the call for authors in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities. Detailed information with links is provided in the text below.

The call for authors in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities was released earlier this month. It follows governmental acceptance of an outline for the report (which can be downloaded here: in which there are five chapters, as well as a technical summary and a summary for policymakers. As you can see, there’s space in the outline for many in the IAUC community to contribute by publishing relevant research over the next two years that the author teams will be assessing for the report.

I am grateful for the efforts of the IAUC community who were at the Riga IPCC meeting, as well as members who gave feedback during webinars and delivered presentations which helped in co-producing and scoping the outline with inputs from other scientists, practitioners, and government officials.

I do hope the IAUC community will continue putting their names forward to be part of the author team (which includes coordinating lead authors, lead authors, and review editors – more information on what the author team does can be read here: as well as here.

If you’re interested, the selection process for authors can be read here:

The nomination forms can be downloaded here, together with the contact details of your country focal point ( Please contact your country focal point with the completed form.

Also, to manage expectations – there were almost 14 nominations for every selected expert who was invited to the Riga scoping meeting, which speaks to the vast interest from many parties in developing this report. Do note that from previous IPCC reports, a chapter typically has between 12-15 people as part of the author team.

Once again, I’d urge our community to please consider nominating yourself. During the scoping and acceptance processes, it was noted by scoping experts that several chapters will require strong urban research expertise on the natural and social sciences in which IAUC researchers have published for decades. If you have that expertise, please consider nominating yourself so that a strong author team can be tasked to confidently write these chapters.

The deadline for nomination is September 20th, midnight CEST, but do note that governmental focal points may ask for an earlier deadline.

Regards, W.

Winston CHOW

Co-Chair, IPCC Working Group II

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