The IAUC is accepting nominations for the prestigious 2024 Luke Howard and Timothy Oke Awards until July 2024
Dear IAUC members
I am pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the prestigious 2024 Luke Howard and Timothy Oke Awards. These awards recognize outstanding contributions in the field of urban climate, and serve as a testament to the exceptional work being done within our community.
I would like to draw your attention of the following nomination process for both awards:
– Inform the Awards Committee Chair of the intent to nominate an individual. The intent to nominate should be communicated via email to the Awards Committee Chair Prof Zhiwen (Vincent) Luo: by Friday 21 June 2024.
– Nomination materials should be collected by the coordinator (i.e. the person notifying the Awards Committee Chair that a particular individual will be nominated).
The coordinator should collect and submit the following documentation in a single pdf file:
– a one-page cover letter from the nomination coordinator (optional)
– a three‐page candidate‐CV
– three letters of recommendation (of no more than two pages in length) from IAUC members from at least two different countries. The nomination coordinator can, but does not have to, provide one of the letters of recommendation. Any individual providing a letter of support should do so for a maximum of one candidate for the Timothy Oke Award in each year.
Complete packages should reach the Awards Committee Chair by Friday 19 July 2024.
The details for the two award nominations can be found on the IAUC website.
Any question, let me know.
Best wishes