Submissions are open for the AOGS Annual Meeting 2024, session AS91 on “Cities and Weather/Climate Extremes”, taking place in Pyeongchang, South Korea, June 23-28, 2024.
The objective of this session is to narrow the existing knowledge gaps in urban climatology by encouraging theoretical, experimental, numerical modeling, and AI/machine learning studies to:
a) Deepen our understanding of weather and climate processes within urban environments, with a particular focus on the extremes, especially in the context of global climate change. This involves specific (but not limited) attention to phenomena such as urban heat islands, local precipitation and wind patterns, etc.
b) Enhance our insight into the secondary effects of urban climate changes on ecological ecosystems, public health, air quality, energy supply, and hydrological cycles, etc.
c) Showcase innovative strategies for mitigating and adapting to urban climate risks, particularly relevant to emerging concepts like smart cities, decarbonization, city digital twins, and climate resilience.”
The submission deadline is January 2, 2024.
We are looking forward to your participation in this event.
Warm regards,
Van Doan, Fei Chen, Matthias Roth, Jiachuan Yang, Dev Niyogi